Last month, Amanda of
A Tale of Two Ancestors left a comment notifying me
that she had nominated me for the Happy 101 award. I wasn't able to post my response until now, and I just want to say, "Thank you Amanda for the award!"
For this award, I have to list ten things that make me happy. Here are my ten things, in no particular order:
- My faith
- My family
- My friends
- My two dogs, Ben and Casey
- Completing a paper/school work
- Genealogy research
- Historical research
- Listening to Christian music
- Writing posts for this blog
- Doing something creative, like drawing or writing a story
Well, those are my ten things. For this award, I'm supposed to nominate ten other people, but since it has been so long since I was nominated for the award, I don't remember who received or didn't receive this award. So, instead of nominating anyone, here is what I'll do: If you haven't received this award yet and are reading this post, consider yourself tagged. Enjoy!