My grandfather, if he were living today, would have been 91, and when I divided his number by 4, I came up with the number 22.75. Since the number isn't a whole number, I've decided to round it up to 23.
The ancestor who is number 23 on my chart is my ancestor, Anna. I've written a little bit before on her family in my "Searching For My German Ancestors" posts, but I don't believe I have written a post that was specifically on her. Here are three facts about her:
- She was born in Germany. (I don't have a birth date for her yet because I jumped ahead to continue researching on her parents' ancestry. I do have a possible birthplace in Germany, but I need to order records from the place to confirm my suspicions.)
- She arrived in the United States with her parents and older siblings in February 1864.
- She died in Detroit in the 1930s. (I don't have an exact date of death. I haven't been able to determine when she died, but it is one of my goals to do so.)
As a side note, I've also recently posted two other Saturday Night Fun memes from August, and you can read them here and here. Enjoy!