Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday Night Fun - Ahnentafel Roulette

For this Saturday Night Fun, Randy has challenged other genealogy bloggers to post information on one of their ancestors by coming up with the Ahnentafel number of an ancestor, and I've decided to participate in the challenge. The only difference is that I have chosen to divide by the age of my late grandfathers instead of my father's age, as a way to protect the privacy of living relatives. Here are the results that I obtained by following Randy's directions with the modification that I listed:

My grandfather, if he were living today, would have been 91, and when I divided his number by 4, I came up with the number 22.75. Since the number isn't a whole number, I've decided to round it up to 23.

The ancestor who is number 23 on my chart is my ancestor, Anna. I've written a little bit before on her family in my "Searching For My German Ancestors" posts, but I don't believe I have written a post that was specifically on her. Here are three facts about her:
  1. She was born in Germany. (I don't have a birth date for her yet because I jumped ahead to continue researching on her parents' ancestry. I do have a possible birthplace in Germany, but I need to order records from the place to confirm my suspicions.)
  2. She arrived in the United States with her parents and older siblings in February 1864.
  3. She died in Detroit in the 1930s. (I don't have an exact date of death. I haven't been able to determine when she died, but it is one of my goals to do so.)
I do have more information on Anna, but I've only posted those three facts for this meme.

As a side note, I've also recently posted two other Saturday Night Fun memes from August, and you can read them here and here. Enjoy!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Looking For A Host and A Reminder ....

I just want to let everyone know that I am still looking for a host for the October edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy. I won't have the time to do the edition because of school, so if anyone is interested in hosting the edition, please contact me at jess_history at yahoo dot com. As for the December edition, I haven't decided whether or not to host the edition, so if anyone is interested in hosting that edition, please let me know.

Also, don't forget that the deadline for submissions to the September's edition is tomorrow. You can submit them here. Thanks!

80th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy Posted!

The 80th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy has been posted! You can read it here. The topic for the next edition will be on
"Your Genealogy Blog's Obituary. If your blog ended or was lost/deleted today,
how would you write it's obituary? What were the highlights of your blog? What
is its history? This theme was suggested by Schelly Talalay Dardashti of Tracing the Tribe who will be
hosting this next edition of the COG. You can read about the inspiration for
Schelly's choice of topic here.
The deadline for submissions is October 1, 2009."


17th Edition of the Smile For The Camera Carnival Posted!

The 17th edition of the Smile for the Camera Carnival has been posted! You can read it here. The topic for the next edition will be on "Travel. Planes, trains and automobiles. Horses, mules, carts, and wagons. Bikes or on foot. Show us your family and how they traveled." Submissions will be due on November 10th. Enjoy!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Library of Michigan Update ...

I just happened to take a look at Brenda's post on the Library of Michigan, and it appears that the Library of Michigan isn't out of the woods yet. I guess I was a little too hopeful in my previous post. Does anyone have any additional reports on the status of the Library of Michigan?