The ninth edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy is now here, and the topic for this edition is on research experiences and tips.At least five people have submitted articles, and although this is not the largest edition, it is one of the largest that we have had in a while. So, let's begin to learn with the submitters' research tips and experiences.
First Off, we have an article from first-time submitter Alwierz of Polish-American Genealogy Research. In Polish Church Records Transcription Projects and helpful Websites, Alwierz writes about Polish genealogy websites that he has found helpful.
Next, we have an article from Donna Pointkouski of What's Past Is Prologue. In Haller's Army, she writes about a possible resource that genealogists with Polish ancestry might find useful and about her own experience researching in these records.
Next, we have an article from Terry Snyder of Desktop Genealogist. In The Kindness of Strangers, she writes about different websites she used in her research, her communication with other German researchers, the help she received from other German genealogists.
Next, we have an article from Steve Danko of Steve's Genealogy Blog. In Understanding Polish Birth and Baptismal Records from the Congress Kingdom of Poland (1826-1868), he writes about Polish baptismal church records from the time of the Congress Kingdom Poland, and how a person can translate these kind of records.
And last, but not least, we have three articles from Jessica Oswalt of Jessica's Genejournal. In Looking For My German Ancestors: My Research Experiences - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, she writes about her research into her German ancestors and the experiences she has had in researching her German ancestors.
So, that concludes this edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy. The topic for the next carnival will be a carousel. In other words, any article relating to genealogy in Central and Eastern European Genealogy is accepted. Submissions for the next edition are due on August 4th, and the next edition will be posted on August 5th. You can submit your articles here.
Indiana Genealogical Society blog
17 years ago
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