Monday, September 17, 2007

Another Source Where Information Can Be Found

If you're searching for more records for your family history and happen to have black sheep in the family, one record you might want to consider looking for is the fingerprint card of your relative.

Why consider this record?

Some possible genealogical information that you might glean from a card:

  • Your relative's full name
  • The Alias that your relative might have used
  • Your relative's birthplace
  • Your relative's nationality at that time period
  • Possible physical description or a photo
  • Your relative's signature
  • Reason for your relative's arrest and whether or not they had a previous record of arrest
  • Your relative's sentence
  • And, of course, your relative's fingerprints

Of course, one must keep in mind that the fingerprint cards that might be available would be those of people who were born over a century ago. Of course, if you have a relative who disappeared in the early twentieth century, you might want to consider the possibility that he or she may have been in prison.

So, where can one find this record type?

If you know where a relative resided, I would contact the archives of the city or place where that person may have lived. You may possibly find the records stored there. Of course, there is a possibility that the old cards no longer exist, but it is still worth it to search and see if these cards still exist.

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